3D Capture

hospitality & tourism

Consideration of the hospitality and travel market applies to the more traditional hotels, motels, bed and breakfast (B&B) or guest houses, entertainment venues, as well as more recently, private owned properties that are made available for rental through platforms such as UBER BNB.

As with property and real estate, 3D technology can be employed to capture and facilitate virtual experiences. Through interaction with such technology, prospective buyers are able to first visit properties virtually and experience surroundings without the need to be physically present. Similarly, benefits accrue to sellers, intermediaries and potential buyers due to effificiencies realised by allowing interaction “digitally” before “physical” visits.

At 3D CAPTURE, we can scan and digitise properties, rooms and facilities. Our solutions can result in time savings, reduction of travel costs, more immersive customer experience and access to enhanced digital marketing content.

Some of the key benefits:

Virtual tours allow prospective guests to experience property & facilities.
Prospective guests can virtually view the facility at any time, day or night.
Accurate measurements available in 3D model i.e. rooms, furniture, etc.
Prospective guests can better assess the actual size of space in rooms.
Highlight key features i.e. of furniture, etc, using labels and digital tags.
Save valuable time by reducing the need or frequency for physical visits.
Reduce travel expenses by facilitating ability to remotely visit properties.